Trip to Yosemite and Trek up Half-Dome, Sept. 1998
PHOTOS: Click on image for larger picture.

Preparing for the trip...Climb to top of Mt. Diablo.

One of two deer that were walking along our path on the way to theHalf-Dome trail:

There is half dome looming in the distance.  This is the backside where the cables are. (Very Steep)

One of those ridges up half dome is actually a line of people.

This is what it looks like on the summit.

Here I am on the Summit.

Going back down on the cables.

Karen at Nevada Falls.

Mike at Nevada Falls

The 2 of us in front of a giant sequoia at the Big Trees by Crane Flat. 

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Page createdby: Michael McGeough
Changes last made on: Oct 5, 1998